Blog Articles

Change Your Thinking And It Will Change Your Life

You lose Yourself

You lose Yourself

In today's article, I have reproduced two statements that might resonate with anyone who has been through a narcissistic or controlling abusive relationship. The first article is about what you can lose and the second article is about how a man treats a woman....

Red Flags – What Type Of Man?

Red Flags – What Type Of Man?

I started out in my last relationship as an independent businesswoman. Then I moved to Spain into what was meant to be our retirement home together. 2016 I sold out my UK business to start over with a different type of business. He was still working his business and...

Narcissistic Behaviours

Narcissistic Behaviours

Narcissistic abuse and behaviours appear in many forms. Cheating, leading a double life, manipulation, grooming, verbal abuse, anger outbursts, humiliation, belittling comments. Financial abuse, either they scroungers and get you into debt, or they use money as a...

The Spanish Retirement Dream.

The Spanish Retirement Dream.

A New Home In The Sun 2015 - 2016  So here I was in July of 2016, living in the beautiful countryside in a lovely house that we had furnished together, looking forward to retirement and at last being together. Eight years in a relationship with him, and for all of...

Emotional Energy Spiral

Emotional Energy Spiral

How Do We Dig Ourselves Out Of The Black Hole We Just Fell Into? During and after narcissistic abuse we can experience many of the negative emotional energies. Guilt, Shame, Fear, Anger, Despair losing the will to live. Slipping into harmful behaviours. When...

A bombshell is dropped. 27th August 2020

A bombshell is dropped. 27th August 2020

I’m collateral damage, unfortunately. A chapter from my first book. This is how the relationship ended just three days after he returned to Spain. After a weekend in which he had spent two days in a "Breakthrough Transformation Coaching" with an NLP, Hypnotherapist...

Emotional Abuse Validation

I asked AI to validate my experience of emotional abuse. Here are the results. Including my take and experiences. Prompt 1: Describe how a woman might feel when she is betrayed by a partner after a long-term relationship is terminated abruptly. When he confesses for...

Top 31 Law of Attraction Quotes to Create the Life of Your Dreams

Become Inspired to Take Action and Activate The Full Power of This Law Spiritual laws have helped countless people throughout the course of history to solve problems, clarify their thoughts and sharpen their focus in the process of discovering and attaining their...

Napoleon Hill’s ‘A philosophy of success formula’

Early years. Napoleon Hill was born in 1883, he was born into poverty, when he was a young boy of just 10 years he lost his mother. His father remarried and Napoleon counts his stepmother as one of his sources of inspiration. By the time he was 13 years he started...

Teaching the law of attraction to others

Teaching the law of attraction to others There are many ways to teach others the effects of the law of attraction and why it is so important. Many people do not realise what this great technique has to offer and how important it is to use in almost any type of...

Vision or Dream Boards – Do they work?

In a world where manifestation and visualisation techniques are as popular as a cheese toasty, there’s one tool that stands out among the rest, the vision board, also known as a dream board. It’s the classic DIY project for those seeking to manifest their dreams and...

Applying the laws of attraction to your career

For those who do not know the theory of the laws of attraction, then you are soon to realize that it is a basic principal of the Buddhist religion. Basically what the theory stands for is the fact that if you can see yourself as it, then you can be it. It means that...

Discover the 5 Habits of Highly Successful People

The Power of Mindset for Life Change Introduction - Highly successful people Success is not merely the outcome of luck or circumstance; it is often the result of intentional habits and a mindset geared towards growth and achievement. Highly successful people share...

How to regain confidence in yourself

Gaining self-confidence with the law of attraction If it is the confidence that you lack, then you will want to first stop and think about yourself for a minute. To regain confidence in yourself start with more focus on the law of attraction theory and just stop and...