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 Attract New Opportunities, People and

Money Into Your Life

Welcome to this Life Change Manifestation Channel by ALM Online. We recommend that you listen to these videos and come back to repeat them every day for at least 30 days, it takes at least 30 days to form a new habit,  while watching the videos take action and repeat he statements with intention. Putting into practice what you discover here will be well worth your time and attention.

VIDEO #1. I am Affirmations 

In this video, you’ll discover the simplest (and most repeatable) affirmations for  expressing gratitude, try these statements for yourself and say them with purpose.

VIDEO #2. Oath Of Manifestation

This video is all about how to: Open Your Mind to Receive. Lets call in Abundance & Prosperity together!!! Start repeating these statements everyday, you will see results happening within days. Join our community – Oath Of Manifestation.

VIDEO #3. Ten Positive Life Affirmations

In this video, you’ll discover,  my top ten Positive Life Affirmations. Try repeating them for yourself, use them every day for 30 days, and note any changes you feel happening in your life. Say these statements with intention. 

VIDEO #4 Ho’ oponopono Prayer for Self Love and Forgiveness

This ancient Hawaiian practice is a prayer spoken and repeated in order to ‘set things right’ or for restoring self-love and balance.  The ho’oponopono prayer goes like this: “I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you.”

VIDEO #5 Stay Calm Release Stress 

Think of Affirmations as nourishing food for the mind. It is important to consider what type of habitual thoughts we think and repeat to ourselves.  To feel calm and peaceful you need to think that way on a regular basis.  Using and repeating positive statements every day will help you to feel better about yourself.

VIDEO #6 Prosperity and Abundance 

Are you struggling to maintain a healthy relationship with finances?Do you want to create a life of wealth and abundance?If yes, then start to change your mindset around money by using these powerful affirmations every day for the next 21 days. What you attract is in your thoughts.

VIDEO #7 Affirmations for Female Entrepreneurs 

Affirmations for Female Entrepreneurs – Attracting prosperity into your life and business. Listen to and repeat these affirmations to raise your energy and manifest prosperity and abundance into your life and business. I suggest listening to this affirmation meditation at any time you start to doubt yourself. Whenever you hear negative self-talk that can hold you back from achieving your highest good.

VIDEO #8 Love and Healing 

Positive Love and Healing Affirmations.This week’s positive affirmations are for love and healing. Listen and repeat after me. Before starting let’s take a few deep cleansing breaths. Today I free myself from fear and I open my heart to welcome in real love.I am grateful for the people I have in my life right now.I am the perfect partner for my perfect partner.I am worthy of a real relationship filled with love and respect.

VIDEO #9 Forgiveness and Self-Love 

These positive affirmations are designed to empower and heal yourself as you mend your broken heart and rebuild your self-confidence and self-esteem after a relationship breakup. Use this sleep meditation during times of heartache to heal and recover and nourish yourself.For the best results listen to this meditation in the evening before you drift off to sleep. You can then reprogram your subconscious mind with these positive statements. Listen every evening for at least 21 days.

VIDEO #10 Health Wealth Happiness Affirmations 

Health Wealth Happiness Affirmations in 5 minutes listen as you drift off to sleepIt’s time to create your reality, it’s time to consciously choose the life you desire. It all begins with what you think. Your thoughts create your reality. If you want to see changes in your life, it begins by changing your thoughts. In changing your thoughts you are shifting old ways and moving into a new reality.

VIDEO #11 Prosperity and Gratitude 

Mantras for Forgiveness, What is Forgiveness? Why do we need to Forgive?Who is forgiveness for? Forgiveness is for no one other than you, don’t attempt to forgive when you were not fully ready to forgive. There may be pressures from others to forgive or you may think that you need to forgive someone right away just because it’s the right thing to do.


25 Powerful Gratitude Affirmations 

25 Powerful Gratitude Affirmations For Your Morning Practice, Repeat For 21 Days – Under 5 Minutes.What is a gratitude affirmation?An affirmation of gratitude is a way for you to start and end every day on a positive note. If you take a few minutes every day simply writing out what you are grateful for when you go to sleep at night, you will not only go to bed thinking grateful thoughts but also wake up starting them.

Enrich your life with these powerful tools to help you manifest your dreams faster!

Check out these links, to products that we have chosen especially to help you:

Click the button below to watch the video 

Join our Life Change Plans Community.Free Gift-“Oath of Manifestation, Affirmation”
