
Blog Articles

Change Your Thinking And It Will Change Your Life

7 Signs of a Covert Narcissist

7 Signs of a Covert Narcissist

First, let's look at what are the traits of a Covert Narcissist.A covert or introverted narcissist lacks empathy and is hypersensitive to criticism but does not display the outward sense of self-importance found in overt narcissists. Covert narcissists lack confidence...

Not another high-conflict divorce or separation

Not another high-conflict divorce or separation

It is not just another high-conflict divorce or separation. There are people who can ruin your life. They will destroy your reputation, your self-esteem or your career. High-conflict personalities will think nothing of leaving you emotionally and financially...

Why do victims of Domestic Abuse have anger?

Why do victims of Domestic Abuse have anger?

QUOTE“Wondering why all the narcissistic abuse survivors around you are so angry all the time? It's because they're healing and beginning to understand some brutal truths about who they are, who they could have been, and what it will take to get them to a state of...

Book Launch – Faces Of Mental Illness

Book Launch – Faces Of Mental Illness

Faces Of Mental Illness Book Launch My chapter in this book tells the story of how at just 27 years old I was admitted into a Psychiatric Hospital as a medical emergency. How I became involved in this book project . Back in September 2020, I updated my social...

A Free 5-Day Virtual Event

A Free 5-Day Virtual Event

Uncovering "Master Your Message" BTI (Life Coaching Certification) Why did I want to take the time to listen to this event?Firstly, because I have paid to attend live events from BTI, I attended The Dream Builder Event in 2020 and 2021, a live virtual event hosted by...

Covid Lockdown in Spain March 2020

Confidence restored, trusting and believing. A chapter from my first self-published book.2019. It took me a number of months to feel better about myself after the terrible year of him and his double lifestyle and his Wednesday girl ego trip. There were still some...

Living Together, Laws In The UK and Spain

Living Together, Laws In The UK and Spain

A chapter from my first self-published book Cohabiting Statistics, UK The obvious trend is for more and more couples to live together without getting married. Cohabiting couple families were the second-largest family type at 3.5 million, followed by lone-parent...

Vision or Dream Boards – Do they work?

In a world where manifestation and visualisation techniques are as popular as a cheese toasty, there’s one tool that stands out among the rest, the vision board, also known as a dream board. It’s the classic DIY project for those seeking to manifest their dreams and...

Channelling your inner energy

Channelling your inner energy using the law of attraction, gives you the confidence that you need to realise it is going to happen for you.

8 Spiritual Secrets For Multiplying Your Money Video Review

Mary Morrissey is a best-selling author. 8 Spiritual Secrets For Multiplying Your Money is brought to you by Mary Morrissey. Mary Morrissey is a best-selling author, a consultant for the last 4 decades, a speaker, and the founder of Brave Thinking...


YOU ARE NOT WORTHY OF ME - Poem by Robin Mitchell-Sandeen You are not worthy of my love. You are not worthy of my respect.  I can move on and forgive you, but I never will forget. To heal I must remind myself of who I used to be and of all that you have put me...

Dealing with sadness and disappointment

How do you deal with sadness and disappointment? Every time I am sad and disappointed, I feel overwhelmed by my emotions. These last few days have been very difficult for me. I've not felt angry but just sad and disappointed. So today, I decided to write about my...

Feelings of achievement, using the law of attraction

Attribution: Alpha Stock Images - http://alphastockimages.com/Original Author: Nick Youngson - link to - http://www.nyphotographic.com/ You will begin to feel a true achievement when you use the law of attraction. You will want to use the law of attraction because it...

Everyone has the power to create their reality through manifestation

“There’s a redemptive power that making a choice has,” actor Will Smith said in an interview. “Rather than feeling like you’re at effect to all things that are happening, make a choice. Just decide what it’s going to be, who you’re going to be, how you are going to do...

Three Mind Exercises to Help You Manifest Your Ideal Life

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash. I’ve mentioned the “Law of Attraction” philosophy in my previous article. To quickly remind you, the law of attraction believes that what you are thinking, is what you will be living. If you are thinking good, then good shall be...

When you are ready to learn, a mentor will appear, how the law of attraction applies.

Key Point : A mentor is a professional guide that imparts knowledge, wisdom, and expertise to a lesser experienced person.