What Type Of Man?
This book is in three parts.
Part one takes the reader on a journey through how the author attracted a man into her life, one she thought was her friend, lover, and soul mate.
Part two highlights the obvious gap in the laws in the UK and Spain, which seem to be draconian and barbaric.
Part three focuses on useful resources and looks at the methods of healing the author used and how individuals might use those methods for recovery after emotional and psychological abuses.
“Post Separation Abuse, Betrayal & Abandonment, What Type Of Man?” by Loren Keeling
Find it on Amazon and Digital ebook Stores
Three reasons why I published my first book.
Post Separation Abuse. Betrayal & Abandonment: What Type Of Man?
1. To raise awareness of hidden emotional and psychological abuse in intimate relationships.
2. Highlight the gaps in the laws that often fail women. This is a warning to unmarried couples, especially women who become or are financially dependent on their partners.
3. For information and educational purposes signposting to helpful resources.
Readers Will Discover
- 2 Resources for keeping a record of incidents of bullying behaviour, angry outbursts, and emotional abuse.
- Writing as a way to heal – Letters to the ex – Letters to the other women
- 40 Signs of Emotional Abuse
- 4 Steps to Release Anger & Resentment
- 5 Ways to Recover & Heal
★☆★Digital Platforms ★☆★★☆★Also in Spanish★☆★
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¿Qué tipo de hombre?
Este libro consta de tres partes.
La primera parte lleva al lector a través de un viaje sobre cómo la autora atrajo a un hombre a su vida. Uno que ella pensó que era su amigo, amante y alma gemela.
La segunda parte destaca la obvia brecha en las leyes del Reino Unido y España que parece ser draconiana y bárbara.
La tercera parte se centra en recursos útiles y analiza los métodos de curación que utilizó la autora y cómo las personas pueden usar esos métodos para recuperarse después de abusos emocionales y psicológicos.
“Abuso posterior a la separación, traición y abandono, ¿qué tipo de hombre?” de Loren Keeling
Encuéntrelo en Amazon y en las tiendas de libros electrónicos digitales
Some of the books I have chosen as resources for individuals experiencing grief, anxiety or trauma.
Click on any title to check out the books on Amazon. (This content contains affiliate links) If you ue these links and purchase something we may earn a commission. Thank You.
Support for high conflict divorce or surviving a relationship with a narcissist.
Divorcing A Narcissist
Karin Walker and Dr Supriya McKenna team up to explain why separating from or divorcing a narcissist is a hugely difficult, draining experience.
Divorcing a Narcissist: One Mom’s Battle
Tina Swithin was swept off her feet by a modern-day Prince Charming. Her relationship with Seth moved quickly and after 18 months, they were married. It wasn’t long before Tina discovered that her fairytale was built on lies, fraud and deception. This wasn’t the man she married, or was it?
High-Conflict Divorce for Women
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Books I can recommend personally to help you understand emotional and psychological abuses.
Verbally Abusive Relationship
The Verbally Abusive Relationship: How to Recognize It and How to Respond
The Covert Passive-Aggressive Narcissist
Has someone mentioned you might be with a narcissist, or you wonder yourself, and when you research narcissism, they don’t seem to completely fit the description, although some of the traits do ring true?
Dangerous Normal People
This memoir will take you on a remarkable and sometimes dark journey through a young woman’s two (very different) domestically abusive relationships.
Untangle Your Anxiety
Do you struggle to understand your anxiety? Are your days often consumed by worries that have no clear answers? Perhaps you don’t feel like your usual self?
It’s OK That You’re Not OK
In 2009, on a beautiful sunny day, Megan Devine witnessed the accidental drowning of her beloved partner Matt. “All my professional experience as a therapist felt meaningless,” she writes.

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Chapter 10 – Changing Your Lifestyle to Regain Control of Your Life
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Common Physical Symptoms Of Anxiety
Some of the Physical Symptoms Of Anxiety
1. Headache
2. Nausea
3. Frequent Urination Or Diarrhea
4. Insomnia
5. Digestive Issues
6. Decreased Libido
Getting Help
If you recognise or regularly experience the physical symptoms of anxiety listed in this article, you should seek out the help of a therapist right away. Addressing your anxiety and treating it, as well as learning coping skills, can help prevent the anxiety from causing long-term health effects.
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