Maximum Damage. Maximum Hurt.

Maximum Damage. Maximum Hurt.

“Narcissistic Discard” I’m still recovering from getting my heart smashed to bits five years ago when the ex decided to terminate our relationship after eleven years. I saw this quote a couple of days ago. It spoke to me. What do you think this quote is all about? A)...
Emotional Immaturity And Red Flags

Emotional Immaturity And Red Flags

Definition Of Emotional Immaturity Individuals who struggle to regulate their emotions in an age-appropriate way. Emotional immaturity can negatively affect relationships. People who lack maturity can overreact to certain situations and have problems staying in...

Revenge Versus Justice

Unraveling the Narrative of Victim Blaming and Silencing in Cases of Domestic Abuse Introduction In the realm of interpersonal conflicts and injustices, two powerful forces often come into play: revenge and justice. While revenge seeks to retaliate and punish, justice...
Will The Real Victim Please Stand Up?

Will The Real Victim Please Stand Up?

How can professionals tell who is the real victim after a relationship with the Narcissist ends? Let me start by taking a quote from Dr Ramani. Quote.I believe all domestic abusers are narcissistic, without exception. The capacity to tell someone, I love you,...

Domestic Abuse  / Gender Violence

Understanding Intimate Partner Abuse. Today I am writing about a subject that many people do not usually read about until the headlines in the media declare another senseless loss of life. So today I am covering the definitions of gender violence and domestic abuse...
Post-Separation Financial Abuse.

Post-Separation Financial Abuse.

Domestic Abuse Act 2021 in the UK Understanding and combating domestic abuse, the United Kingdom has taken a significant stride with the implementation of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021. Most people think of domestic abuse as physical violence. In fact section 76 Serious...