Blog Articles

Change Your Thinking And It Will Change Your Life

What are the red flags of a toxic partner?

What are the red flags of a toxic partner?

Unveiling the Narcissistic Cycle of Abuse Introduction: In the complex landscape of relationships, it's essential to navigate with caution and be aware of potential red flags that indicate toxicity. One particularly destructive pattern is the Narcissistic Cycle of...

Why Was He Angry At Me?

Why Was He Angry At Me?

What did I do Wrong? This article is a chapter from my first self-published book. Post-Separation Abuse. Betrayal and Abandonment, What Type Of Man? Why was he angry is something I asked myself over and over again. I blamed myself for what happened. When I started...

The Power of the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

The Power of the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Introduction The human mind is a complex web of thoughts, emotions, and perceptions that shape our experiences and interactions with the world. One fascinating phenomenon that psychologists have studied extensively is the self-fulfilling prophecy. In this article, we...

Betrayal and discovery of a double life.

Betrayal and discovery of a double life.

Oprah interviews a family, and the wife has written a book "Back From Betrayal" it's an eye-opener. How infidelity and betrayal can cause so much hurt in the family unit. #LeadingADoubleLife #Betrayal #serialadulterer It is obvious when the adult son breaks down...

Courts in Spain And My Experiences

Courts in Spain And My Experiences

Local Courts  The first level court “Juzgados de Primera” is the local court it can take 6 to 18 months for a case to be heard. In the first pretrial “Audencia Previa”  the barristers discuss points of law. It can take another 12 to 18 months for the main hearing...

Discover the 5 Habits of Highly Successful People

Discover the 5 Habits of Highly Successful People

The Power of Mindset for Life Change Introduction - Highly successful people Success is not merely the outcome of luck or circumstance; it is often the result of intentional habits and a mindset geared towards growth and achievement. Highly successful people share...

Teaching the law of attraction to others

Teaching the law of attraction to others There are many ways to teach others the effects of the law of attraction and why it is so important. Many people do not realise what this great technique has to offer and how important it is to use in almost any type of...

Napoleon Hill’s ‘A philosophy of success formula’

Early years. Napoleon Hill was born in 1883, he was born into poverty, when he was a young boy of just 10 years he lost his mother. His father remarried and Napoleon counts his stepmother as one of his sources of inspiration. By the time he was 13 years he started...


YOU ARE NOT WORTHY OF ME - Poem by Robin Mitchell-Sandeen You are not worthy of my love. You are not worthy of my respect.  I can move on and forgive you, but I never will forget. To heal I must remind myself of who I used to be and of all that you have put me...

Law of Attraction and Channelling Energy

Law of Attraction and Channelling Positive Energy To and Through You.    The law of vibration is one of the basic laws of the universe.The law of attraction states that you will attract into your life–whether wanted or unwanted–whatever you give your...

Discover the 5 Habits of Highly Successful People

The Power of Mindset for Life Change Introduction - Highly successful people Success is not merely the outcome of luck or circumstance; it is often the result of intentional habits and a mindset geared towards growth and achievement. Highly successful people share...

The Power of the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Introduction The human mind is a complex web of thoughts, emotions, and perceptions that shape our experiences and interactions with the world. One fascinating phenomenon that psychologists have studied extensively is the self-fulfilling prophecy. In this article, we...

Emotional Abuse Validation

I asked AI to validate my experience of emotional abuse. Here are the results. Including my take and experiences. Prompt 1: Describe how a woman might feel when she is betrayed by a partner after a long-term relationship is terminated abruptly. When he confesses for...

Emotional Energy Spiral

How Do We Dig Ourselves Out Of The Black Hole We Just Fell Into? During and after narcissistic abuse we can experience many of the negative emotional energies. Guilt, Shame, Fear, Anger, Despair losing the will to live. Slipping into harmful behaviours. When...