Blog Articles

Change Your Thinking And It Will Change Your Life

Was It All A Lie?

Was It All A Lie?

This is the short story I published as a video, which refers to a period in 2018 during the relationship. @LifeChangePlans The 27th of August 2021 was the first anniversary of the abrupt termination of my 11-year relationship with a man that I attracted into my life...

Three D’s In Relationship Endings

Three D’s In Relationship Endings

I have experienced what I term three Ds in relationship endings 1. Divorce 2. Death of my partner 3. Discard as in the abrupt termination of the relationship by the other person. So today I want to talk about these three D's relationship endings. Divorce I had been...

Betrayal Is A Form of Emotional Abuse

Betrayal Is A Form of Emotional Abuse

Betrayal, a form of emotional abuse, can cause PTSD. Symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares & impaired sleeping, depression, anxiety, brain fog, distrust, dissociation, are common. Betrayed partners often feel as if their reality has been shaken to its core.—...

You want to win at all costs. 

You want to win at all costs. 

Open letter to the Ex. You want to win at all costs.  Dear Ex But those costs are very high, not just monetary, but the cost of time, energy, and emotional welfare. Stress is a known precursor to illness and that can be minor ailments to major forms of...

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Why do women stay in a marriage or relationship that is toxic or abusive? They love their partner. They make excuses, he’s in pain, he’s frustrated, he’s got a lot of stress, his diabetic illness and low blood sugar cause him to say those hurtful things.  They...

Applying the laws of attraction to your career

For those who do not know the theory of the laws of attraction, then you are soon to realize that it is a basic principal of the Buddhist religion. Basically what the theory stands for is the fact that if you can see yourself as it, then you can be it. It means that...

8 Spiritual Secrets For Multiplying Your Money Video Review

Mary Morrissey is a best-selling author. 8 Spiritual Secrets For Multiplying Your Money is brought to you by Mary Morrissey. Mary Morrissey is a best-selling author, a consultant for the last 4 decades, a speaker, and the founder of Brave Thinking...

Definite desires and the law of attraction

Law of attraction and your definite desires. The power of a definite desire, a passionate desire, to achieve anything is the first in step in manifestation. You see, desire is a powerful force which activates the Law Of Attraction. When you have desires in life...

When one door closes another door opens.

Hey, I want to share a little bit of my personal background history. My passion for online marketing and having my own business started long ago.  Millenium 1999 to be precise. In that year, I was a Charitable Trust Fundraiser. A lone mum of two teenage daughters, and...

Top 31 Law of Attraction Quotes to Create the Life of Your Dreams

Become Inspired to Take Action and Activate The Full Power of This Law Spiritual laws have helped countless people throughout the course of history to solve problems, clarify their thoughts and sharpen their focus in the process of discovering and attaining their...

The Law of Attraction and Wealth Manifestation:

The Power of Positive Thinking IntroductionThe Law of Attraction has gained significant attention in recent years, thanks to books like "The Secret" and an increasing focus on personal development and self-improvement. This law suggests that our thoughts and emotions...

Law of Attraction and Channelling Energy

Law of Attraction and Channelling Positive Energy To and Through You.    The law of vibration is one of the basic laws of the universe.The law of attraction states that you will attract into your life–whether wanted or unwanted–whatever you give your...

Law of attraction and positive thinking

Boost A Positive Attitude You will find that the law of attraction and positive thinking go hand and hand. There are a lot of ways that you can use the law of attraction to boost a positive attitude. However, you will want to consider that there are some things that...