Blog Articles

Change Your Thinking And It Will Change Your Life

Moving The Goalposts Again

Moving The Goalposts Again

This is a chapter from my next book. I am continuing the story of my post-separation experience to document the situation. Please note that all names have been changed.   The ex had been moving the goalposts so many times already. I felt like a puppet on a string. He...

Silencing Survivors Through Defamation Lawsuits

Silencing Survivors Through Defamation Lawsuits

Abusive Litigations In recent years, abusive litigation has become a common tool used by powerful individuals to silence those who dare to speak out on matters of public concern, particularly in cases involving abuse, sexual violence, and defamation. This tactic is...

Victims Waiving Rights To Anonymity

Victims Waiving Rights To Anonymity

INTRODUCTION In today’s article, I’m looking at the ongoing public Judicial case in France that involves Dominique Pélicot, who used the drug lorazepam to incapacitate his wife, Gisèle, allowing him and others to sexually assault her over a prolonged period. My focus...

Maximum Damage. Maximum Hurt.

Maximum Damage. Maximum Hurt.

“Narcissistic Discard” I’m still recovering from getting my heart smashed to bits five years ago when the ex decided to terminate our relationship after eleven years. I saw this quote a couple of days ago. It spoke to me.What do you think this quote is all about? A)...

Trauma Bonding in an Abusive Relationship.

Trauma Bonding in an Abusive Relationship.

Understanding Toxic Trust Trauma bonding is a psychological phenomenon where an abused person forms a deep, emotional attachment to their abuser. This bond is forged through cycles of abuse and intermittent kindness. This leaves the victim confused, emotionally...

Understanding Future Faking: A Narcissist’s Tactic

Understanding Future Faking: A Narcissist’s Tactic

In the complex world of narcissistic abuse, one tactic stands out for its insidiousness and emotional devastation: future faking. This term may be unfamiliar to some, but the impact is all too real for those who have experienced it. Future faking is a manipulative...

Applying the laws of attraction to your career

For those who do not know the theory of the laws of attraction, then you are soon to realize that it is a basic principal of the Buddhist religion. Basically what the theory stands for is the fact that if you can see yourself as it, then you can be it. It means that...

How to Develop a Positive Money Mindset

Introduction: Positive Money Mindset The Power of Wealth Affirmations Money plays a significant role in our lives, influencing our choices, opportunities, and overall well-being. However, our attitudes and beliefs about money can often dictate our financial success....

The Law of Attraction and Wealth Manifestation:

The Power of Positive Thinking IntroductionThe Law of Attraction has gained significant attention in recent years, thanks to books like "The Secret" and an increasing focus on personal development and self-improvement. This law suggests that our thoughts and emotions...

Definite desires and the law of attraction

Law of attraction and your definite desires. The power of a definite desire, a passionate desire, to achieve anything is the first in step in manifestation. You see, desire is a powerful force which activates the Law Of Attraction. When you have desires in life...

7 Spiritual Laws of Prosperity for Personal Development

Personal Development Before I started my own property management business I was involved in direct selling or network marketing as it is known.   The company was a well-known brand within the health and weight loss niche. I remember travelling to huge company...

How to put the stress behind you

How to put the stress of the world behind you Stress is something that you need to keep out of your life. However, keeping a stress-free life is not easy. You need to know that having too much stress can only cause you trouble later on. You need to realize that stress...

A Free 5-Day Virtual Event

Uncovering "Master Your Message" BTI (Life Coaching Certification) Why did I want to take the time to listen to this event?Firstly, because I have paid to attend live events from BTI, I attended The Dream Builder Event in 2020 and 2021, a live virtual event hosted by...

How to develop a prosperity mindset

Are you struggling with your career, money, relationship, health? I know exactly where you are at this moment, I’ve been there too. You need to learn how to develop a prosperity mindset. Living in fear or lack and limitation does not help you to move forward in life....