Blog Articles
Change Your Thinking And It Will Change Your Life
What does betrayal do to a person?
No matter how strong we are, betrayal hurts; the effects of betrayal can include shock, loss and grief, damaged self-esteem, and anger.
Are You Screwed ? Is Your Relationship Dragging You Down?
Relationships are supposed to build you up, be super supportive, and make you a better person. So it can really, suck when you realize your relationship is dragging you down. It can also really take you by surprise. Healthy, happy relationships are where both partners...
Separating from a Domestic Abuser May Not Stop the Abuse
Abuse Doesn’t End With Separation Leaving an abusive relationship is often seen as the final step to freedom, but for many survivors, the abuse doesn’t end with separation. In fact, it can escalate, taking on new and insidious forms that continue to inflict emotional,...
Key Legal Issues I Should Be Able to Address.
Unfortunately, The Barriers To Justice Are Huge. Key Legal Issues 1. Violation of Due Process & Constitutional Rights – The fact that I was interviewed without legal representation is a direct violation of Spanish constitutional law. Additionally, the criminal...
What are the red flags of a toxic partner?
Red Flags: How to Recognize the Warning Signs Before It’s Too Late Unveiling the Narcissistic Cycle of Abuse Introduction: In the complex dynamic of relationships, it’s crucial to pay attention to your intuitive feelings and emotions and be aware of potential red...
The Links Between Psychological and Economic Abuse.
Today, I want to highlight my lived experience of psychological and economic Abuse. against the Evaluation Report of GREVIO,
The Trauma of Being Falsely Accused
My Journey Through False Allegations and Post-Separation Abuse Being falsely accused can shatter a person’s sense of self, creating waves of emotional, mental, and even physical trauma that linger for years. I know this all too well. As an author who dared to share...
Systemic Failures in the Justice System in Spain.
So today, my thoughts were:- Failures in the Justice System. Legal intimidation and litigation abuses post-separation. The unlevel playing field and power imbalances. Are these power imbalances an indication of something more sinister going on? A high-conflict...
Learning New Skills – My daughter helps me out.
This is a chapter from Deceptions Illussions Embroidered With Truth. My daughter helps me out. After my attempts to negotiate with the mediation company had failed, I was juggling my finances and looking for opportunities to start earning again. I was watching videos...
Moving The Goalposts Again
This is a chapter from my next book. I am continuing the story of my post-separation experience to document the situation. Please note that all names have been changed. The ex had been moving the goalposts so many times already. I felt like a puppet on a string. He...
Silencing Survivors Through Defamation Lawsuits
Abusive Litigations In recent years, abusive litigation has become a common tool used by powerful individuals to silence those who dare to speak out on matters of public concern, particularly in cases involving abuse, sexual violence, and defamation. This tactic is...
Victims Waiving Rights To Anonymity
INTRODUCTION In today’s article, I’m looking at the ongoing public Judicial case in France that involves Dominique Pélicot, who used the drug lorazepam to incapacitate his wife, Gisèle, allowing him and others to sexually assault her over a prolonged period. My focus...
Maximum Damage. Maximum Hurt.
“Narcissistic Discard” I’m still recovering from getting my heart smashed to bits five years ago when the ex decided to terminate our relationship after eleven years. I saw this quote a couple of days ago. It spoke to me.What do you think this quote is all about? A)...
Trauma Bonding in an Abusive Relationship.
Understanding Toxic Trust Trauma bonding is a psychological phenomenon where an abused person forms a deep, emotional attachment to their abuser. This bond is forged through cycles of abuse and intermittent kindness. This leaves the victim confused, emotionally...
Understanding Future Faking: A Narcissist’s Tactic
In the complex world of narcissistic abuse, one tactic stands out for its insidiousness and emotional devastation: future faking. This term may be unfamiliar to some, but the impact is all too real for those who have experienced it. Future faking is a manipulative...