Blog Articles

Change Your Thinking And It Will Change Your Life

Moving The Goalposts Again

Moving The Goalposts Again

This is a chapter from my next book. I am continuing the story of my post-separation experience to document the situation. Please note that all names have been changed.   The ex had been moving the goalposts so many times already. I felt like a puppet on a string. He...

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Maximum Damage. Maximum Hurt.

Maximum Damage. Maximum Hurt.

“Narcissistic Discard” I’m still recovering from getting my heart smashed to bits five years ago when the ex decided to terminate our relationship after eleven years. I saw this quote a couple of days ago. It spoke to me.What do you think this quote is all about? A)...

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Finding success through the law of attraction

The way that you think and feel is going to affect how good you do in life. The measure of success that you have is going to mean a lot and show others just what you can do in life. Think about the things that you are doing and what you can change to be a more...

When you are ready to learn, a mentor will appear, how the law of attraction applies.

Key Point : A mentor is a professional guide that imparts knowledge, wisdom, and expertise to a lesser experienced person.

Emotional Abuse Validation

I asked AI to validate my experience of emotional abuse. Here are the results. Including my take and experiences. Prompt 1: Describe how a woman might feel when she is betrayed by a partner after a long-term relationship is terminated abruptly. When he confesses for...

Vision or Dream Boards – Do they work?

In a world where manifestation and visualisation techniques are as popular as a cheese toasty, there’s one tool that stands out among the rest, the vision board, also known as a dream board. It’s the classic DIY project for those seeking to manifest their dreams and...

Where is your golden thread in life?

Your true meaning in life. Do you ever wunder what your true meaning in life is? What are you meant to do and where are you taking your life? When you think about these things and do your best to work through issues and become more successful, no matter what, you are...

When one door closes another door opens.

Hey, I want to share a little bit of my personal background history. My passion for online marketing and having my own business started long ago.  Millenium 1999 to be precise. In that year, I was a Charitable Trust Fundraiser. A lone mum of two teenage daughters, and...


YOU ARE NOT WORTHY OF ME - Poem by Robin Mitchell-Sandeen You are not worthy of my love. You are not worthy of my respect.  I can move on and forgive you, but I never will forget. To heal I must remind myself of who I used to be and of all that you have put me...

Self-respect using the Law of Attraction

Ways to gain self-respect using the law of attraction in your life. Regain self-confidence and be a more positive and enjoyable person.