You lose Yourself

You lose Yourself

In today’s article, I have reproduced two statements that might resonate with anyone who has been through a narcissistic or controlling abusive relationship. The first article is about what you can lose and the second article is about how a man treats a woman....
Red Flags – What Type Of Man?

Red Flags – What Type Of Man?

I started out in my last relationship as an independent businesswoman. Then I moved to Spain into what was meant to be our retirement home together. 2016 I sold out my UK business to start over with a different type of business. He was still working his business and...
Narcissistic Behaviours

Narcissistic Behaviours

Narcissistic abuse and behaviours appear in many forms. Cheating, leading a double life, manipulation, grooming, verbal abuse, anger outbursts, humiliation, belittling comments. Financial abuse, either they scroungers and get you into debt, or they use money as a...
The Spanish Retirement Dream.

The Spanish Retirement Dream.

A New Home In The Sun 2015 – 2016  So here I was in July of 2016, living in the beautiful countryside in a lovely house that we had furnished together, looking forward to retirement and at last being together. Eight years in a relationship with him, and for all...
New Relationship – What Type Of Man?

New Relationship – What Type Of Man?

After the death of my partner in December 2006, I was single and dated for a couple of years. Then in January 2009, I made a decision that I wanted another long-term relationship. What did I write down for my future? For a long time, and since I studied a lot of...
7 Signs of a Covert Narcissist

7 Signs of a Covert Narcissist

First, let’s look at what are the traits of a Covert Narcissist.A covert or introverted narcissist lacks empathy and is hypersensitive to criticism but does not display the outward sense of self-importance found in overt narcissists. Covert narcissists lack...
Negotiation vs Conflict October 2020

Negotiation vs Conflict October 2020

Negotiation vs Conflict October 2020 Phillips Email Communication – October 5th I received another long email from Phillip. His final words in the email told me he would go to court to have me evicted from his house, “Be in no doubt that under those...