Blog Articles

Change Your Thinking And It Will Change Your Life

Abrupt Termination And Post-Separation Abuse

Abrupt Termination And Post-Separation Abuse

Emotional and psychological abuse is a pattern of behaviour IntroductionThis article covers the abrupt termination of a relationship looking at cause and effect between abuser and victim. Most relationships will end where both parties can move ahead and process the...

Revenge Versus Justice

Unraveling the Narrative of Victim Blaming and Silencing in Cases of Domestic Abuse Introduction In the realm of interpersonal conflicts and injustices, two powerful forces often come into play: revenge and justice. While revenge seeks to retaliate and punish, justice...

Will The Real Victim Please Stand Up?

Will The Real Victim Please Stand Up?

How can professionals tell who is the real victim after a relationship with the Narcissist ends? Let me start by taking a quote from Dr Ramani. Quote.I believe all domestic abusers are narcissistic, without exception. The capacity to tell someone, I love you, I'm...

Improving Your Life Through Positive Thinking

Improving Your Life Through Positive Thinking

Can changing your thinking change your life? Introduction: The Power of Thought. This age-old question has intrigued philosophers, psychologists, and personal development experts for centuries. The idea that our thoughts shape our reality is not a new one, but its...

Domestic Abuse  / Gender Violence

Understanding Intimate Partner Abuse. Today I am writing about a subject that many people do not usually read about until the headlines in the media declare another senseless loss of life. So today I am covering the definitions of gender violence and domestic abuse...

Post-Separation Financial Abuse.

Post-Separation Financial Abuse.

Domestic Abuse Act 2021 in the UK Understanding and combating domestic abuse, the United Kingdom has taken a significant stride with the implementation of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021. Most people think of domestic abuse as physical violence. In fact section 76 Serious...

Self-respect using the Law of Attraction

Ways to gain self-respect using the law of attraction in your life. Regain self-confidence and be a more positive and enjoyable person.


YOU ARE NOT WORTHY OF ME - Poem by Robin Mitchell-Sandeen You are not worthy of my love. You are not worthy of my respect.  I can move on and forgive you, but I never will forget. To heal I must remind myself of who I used to be and of all that you have put me...

The Power of Your Intuition

I'm sharing this article with you from one of my mentors that I tune into for inspiration. The article is from Bob Proctor of the Proctor Gallagher Institute. Bob teaches some very powerful techniques on transformation. Hope you enjoy readng this article as much as I...

How do you determine what path you will follow?

Living your life to the best, and how you determine what path you will follow. Choosing the right path for life is not always something easy to do. We may have problems that we need to consider and figure out what is going to work best for us in all of these...

Three Mind Exercises to Help You Manifest Your Ideal Life

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash. I’ve mentioned the “Law of Attraction” philosophy in my previous article. To quickly remind you, the law of attraction believes that what you are thinking, is what you will be living. If you are thinking good, then good shall be...

How to develop a prosperity mindset

Are you struggling with your career, money, relationship, health? I know exactly where you are at this moment, I’ve been there too. You need to learn how to develop a prosperity mindset. Living in fear or lack and limitation does not help you to move forward in life....

Everyone has the power to create their reality through manifestation

“There’s a redemptive power that making a choice has,” actor Will Smith said in an interview. “Rather than feeling like you’re at effect to all things that are happening, make a choice. Just decide what it’s going to be, who you’re going to be, how you are going to do...

When one door closes another door opens.

Hey, I want to share a little bit of my personal background history. My passion for online marketing and having my own business started long ago.  Millenium 1999 to be precise. In that year, I was a Charitable Trust Fundraiser. A lone mum of two teenage daughters, and...