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Oprah interviews a family, and the wife has written a book “Back From Betrayal” it’s an eye-opener. How infidelity and betrayal can cause so much hurt in the family unit. #LeadingADoubleLife #Betrayal #serialadulterer

It is obvious when the adult son breaks down during the interview that he was deeply traumatized by the events during his childhood. How many adults can look back on their childhood and see their own parents fighting? Mothers and fathers arguing or bickering, or one parent being so hurt that they break down into tears?

I also experienced a childhood where my parents argued, where one of my parents cheated on the other. When one parent discovered the cheating it became too much for them to cope with and there was an attempted suicide. Luckily surviving, however, I lost both of my parents while they were relatively young. Both succumbed to illness and disease that took their lives early.

Now, that I am older and wiser I can see the relevance. I have studied personal development for many years. When I listened to this family being interviewed by Oprah. I heard Mr. Farbman saying how he came to the realization that the one person that he hurt the most was himself. Even though his wife and his sons were also hurt by his decisions and actions.

Stress anxiety and low vibrational emotions can be the cause of many illnesses and diseases. I wrote more about this in another article that you can find here if interested.

I posted an open letter on Linkedin while going through the unbearable pain and trauma of the post-separation experiences. The video below is the letter.
The Ex had confessed to what I thought was an affair in 2017. I discovered in 2020 post discard that it was a complete double life he was leading from year one 2009.

Pen Name Loren Keeling

Post Separation Abuse. Betrayal & Abandonment, What Type Of Man?

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