Blog Articles

Change Your Thinking And It Will Change Your Life

Life is too short to be unhappy:

Life is too short to be unhappy:

Quick Question If life is too short to be unhappy what will you do to change that? Quick question: “What do you really want to do in 2022?Is it changing your lifestyle, your career, your finances, your health and your wellbeing? Perhaps NOW is the TIME for...

First Anniversary of Abrupt Discard

First Anniversary of Abrupt Discard

The 27th of August 2021 was the first anniversary of the abrupt termination of my 11-year relationship. A man, that I attracted into my life in 2009. On the evening of August 27th 2020, I remember that I talked about all of my past experiences, my family life, my...

Book Launch – Faces Of Mental Illness

Book Launch – Faces Of Mental Illness

Faces Of Mental Illness Book Launch My chapter in this book tells the story of how at just 27 years old I was admitted into a Psychiatric Hospital as a medical emergency. How I became involved in this book project . Back in September 2020, I updated my social...

Why did my ex behave the way he did?

Why did my ex behave the way he did?

Ex tells me "You can't negotiate a gift" but not in a nice way. Why did my ex behave the way he did? This video was recorded on the 3rd of November 2020. I was in a place of grieving, in shock from how my partner of the past eleven years...

Morning Meditation – 10 Minutes to Start Your Day

Morning Meditation – 10 Minutes to Start Your Day

Law Of Attraction For Happiness and Joy Your Morning Meditation More and more each day I realise that I live in a friendly universe that is always providing for me. I give myself full permission to create new lines of communication that...

Verbal Abuse in Relationships

Verbal Abuse in Relationships

Verbal abuse is a type of psychological/mental abuse that involves the use of oral language, gestured language, and written language directed to a victim. Verbal abuse can include the act of harassing, labelling, insulting, scolding, rebuking, excessive yelling...

Manifesting Money and Wealth Using Law of Attraction

Manifesting Wealth The way people measure wealth can be different for everyone.  There are many ways that make people feel wealthy in life.  Manifesting money and wealth is something that should be thought about in a good way so that you have a happier and...

Where is your golden thread in life?

Your true meaning in life. Do you ever wunder what your true meaning in life is? What are you meant to do and where are you taking your life? When you think about these things and do your best to work through issues and become more successful, no matter what, you are...

Finding success through the law of attraction

The way that you think and feel is going to affect how good you do in life. The measure of success that you have is going to mean a lot and show others just what you can do in life. Think about the things that you are doing and what you can change to be a more...

Why I started to write my first book

How I got involved in writing a chapter for “Faces Of Mental Illness.” my experience of grief & anxiety the reason for writing my first book.

How to regain confidence in yourself

Gaining self-confidence with the law of attraction If it is the confidence that you lack, then you will want to first stop and think about yourself for a minute. To regain confidence in yourself start with more focus on the law of attraction theory and just stop and...

Law of Attraction and Channelling Energy

Law of Attraction and Channelling Positive Energy To and Through You.    The law of vibration is one of the basic laws of the universe.The law of attraction states that you will attract into your life–whether wanted or unwanted–whatever you give your...

Laws of the Universe for Justice and Vindication

Life's journey often presents us with challenges and obstacles, some of which can lead us into the intricate web of the justice system. When faced with an unjust situation, it's easy to feel disheartened and powerless. However, the teachings of the Vibrational Laws of...

The Power of Your Intuition

I'm sharing this article with you from one of my mentors that I tune into for inspiration. The article is from Bob Proctor of the Proctor Gallagher Institute. Bob teaches some very powerful techniques on transformation. Hope you enjoy readng this article as much as I...