Blog Articles
Change Your Thinking And It Will Change Your Life
It’s Post Separation Legal Abuse Not Conflict.
Abusers torment their exes through the courts in a form of coercive control post-separation. Separating from a domestic abuser may not stop the abuse. Domestic abusers will vengefully harm and seek to punish their ex-spouse or partner, they want to win at all costs...
Is financial abuse a form of emotional abuse?
“Financial abuse is a form of family violence, and can be present with other forms of abuse, like physical or emotional abuse, but can also be present without these other behaviours.” Hidden Abuse This type of abuse can take many forms, it can be a...
Broken. Written 2018 By Robin Mitchell Sandeen
Broken Emptiness, loneliness, utter despair, A husband who is selfish, unable to care. Words of formality, a tone of disgrace, The look of such evilness there is on his face. Condescending and nasty and Incredibly flip, Once there was love but the scale has now...
Negotiation vs Conflict October 2020
Negotiation vs Conflict October 2020 Phillips Email Communication - October 5th I received another long email from Phillip. His final words in the email told me he would go to court to have me evicted from his house, "Be in no doubt that under those circumstances, you...
6 Ways A Victim Is Abused Post Separation.
Any domestic abuse that occurs in a relationship is about power and control. Abusers terrorize and intimidate their targets they also confuse and devalue you as a person. They use the relationship for their own purpose. Don't make excuses for their bad...
How Victims of Domestic Abuse Are Failed.
Domestic abuse is a serious and all too common problem that affects millions of individuals and families around the world. It can take many forms, including physical, sexual, emotional, and financial abuse, and can leave victims feeling isolated, afraid, and with...