Blog Articles

Change Your Thinking And It Will Change Your Life

New Relationship – What Type Of Man?

New Relationship – What Type Of Man?

After the death of my partner in December 2006, I was single and dated for a couple of years. Then in January 2009, I made a decision that I wanted another long-term relationship. What did I write down for my future? For a long time, and since I studied a lot of...

7 Signs of a Covert Narcissist

7 Signs of a Covert Narcissist

First, let's look at what are the traits of a Covert Narcissist.A covert or introverted narcissist lacks empathy and is hypersensitive to criticism but does not display the outward sense of self-importance found in overt narcissists. Covert narcissists lack confidence...

Not another high-conflict divorce or separation

Not another high-conflict divorce or separation

It is not just another high-conflict divorce or separation. There are people who can ruin your life. They will destroy your reputation, your self-esteem or your career. High-conflict personalities will think nothing of leaving you emotionally and financially...

It’s Post Separation Legal Abuse Not Conflict.

It’s Post Separation Legal Abuse Not Conflict.

Abusers torment their exes through the courts in a form of coercive control post-separation. Separating from a domestic abuser may not stop the abuse. Domestic abusers will vengefully harm and seek to punish their ex-spouse or partner, they want to win at all costs...

Is financial abuse a form of emotional abuse?

Is financial abuse a form of emotional abuse?

“Financial abuse is a form of family violence, and can be present with other forms of abuse, like physical or emotional abuse, but can also be present without these other behaviours.” Hidden Abuse This type of abuse can take many forms, it can be a...

Broken.  Written 2018 By Robin Mitchell Sandeen

Broken. Written 2018 By Robin Mitchell Sandeen

Broken Emptiness, loneliness, utter despair, A husband who is selfish, unable to care. Words of formality, a tone of disgrace, The look of such evilness there is on his face. Condescending and nasty and Incredibly flip, Once there was love but the scale has now...

Emotional Energy Spiral

How Do We Dig Ourselves Out Of The Black Hole We Just Fell Into? During and after narcissistic abuse we can experience many of the negative emotional energies. Guilt, Shame, Fear, Anger, Despair losing the will to live. Slipping into harmful behaviours. When...

Where is your golden thread in life?

Your true meaning in life. Do you ever wunder what your true meaning in life is? What are you meant to do and where are you taking your life? When you think about these things and do your best to work through issues and become more successful, no matter what, you are...

When one door closes another door opens.

Hey, I want to share a little bit of my personal background history. My passion for online marketing and having my own business started long ago.  Millenium 1999 to be precise. In that year, I was a Charitable Trust Fundraiser. A lone mum of two teenage daughters, and...

8 Spiritual Secrets For Multiplying Your Money Video Review

Mary Morrissey is a best-selling author. 8 Spiritual Secrets For Multiplying Your Money is brought to you by Mary Morrissey. Mary Morrissey is a best-selling author, a consultant for the last 4 decades, a speaker, and the founder of Brave Thinking...

Law of attraction and positive thinking

Boost A Positive Attitude You will find that the law of attraction and positive thinking go hand and hand. There are a lot of ways that you can use the law of attraction to boost a positive attitude. However, you will want to consider that there are some things that...

Review: Dream Builder Program.

What is the DreamBuilder Program? The DreamBuilder Program is a 12-week online program in which bestselling author Mary Morrissey guides members through the proven, reliable and repeatable steps to creating a life they truly love living. The program focuses on...

Manifesting Money and Wealth Using Law of Attraction

Manifesting Wealth The way people measure wealth can be different for everyone.  There are many ways that make people feel wealthy in life.  Manifesting money and wealth is something that should be thought about in a good way so that you have a happier and...

The Power of Your Intuition

I'm sharing this article with you from one of my mentors that I tune into for inspiration. The article is from Bob Proctor of the Proctor Gallagher Institute. Bob teaches some very powerful techniques on transformation. Hope you enjoy readng this article as much as I...