Understanding Intimate Partner Abuse. Today I am writing about a subject that many people do not usually read about until the headlines in the media declare another senseless loss of life. So today I am covering the definitions of gender violence and domestic abuse...
Unveiling the Narcissistic Cycle of Abuse Introduction: In the complex landscape of relationships, it’s essential to navigate with caution and be aware of potential red flags that indicate toxicity. One particularly destructive pattern is the Narcissistic Cycle...
What did I do Wrong? This article is a chapter from my first self-published book. Post-Separation Abuse. Betrayal and Abandonment, What Type Of Man? Why was he angry is something I asked myself over and over again. I blamed myself for what happened. When I started...
Oprah interviews a family, and the wife has written a book “Back From Betrayal” it’s an eye-opener. How infidelity and betrayal can cause so much hurt in the family unit. #LeadingADoubleLife #Betrayal #serialadulterer It is obvious when the adult son...
Local Courts The first level court “Juzgados de Primera” is the local court it can take 6 to 18 months for a case to be heard. In the first pretrial “Audencia Previa” the barristers discuss points of law. It can take another 12 to 18 months for the main hearing...
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