
Post Separation Abuse.

This book is in three parts.

Part one takes the reader through a journey of how the author attracted a man into her life. One that she thought was her friend, lover and soul mate.

Part two highlights the obvious gap in the laws in UK & Spain that seems to be draconian and barbaric. 

Part three focuses on useful resources and looks at the methods of healing the author used and how individuals might use those methods for recovery after emotional and psychological abuses.

“Post Separation Abuse, Betrayal & Abandonment, What Type Of Man?” by Loren Keeling

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Three reasons why I published my first book.
Post Separation Abuse. Betrayal & Abandonment, What Type Of Man?

1. To raise awareness of hidden emotional and psychological abuse in intimate relationships.

2. Highlighting the gaps in the laws that often fail women. As a warning to unmarried couples especially women who become or are financially dependent on their partners.

3. For information and educational purposes signposting to helpful resources.

Readers Will Discover 

  • 2 Resources for keeping a record of incidents of bullying behaviour, angry outbursts, and emotional abuse.
  • Writing as a way to heal – Letters to the ex – Letters to the other women
  • 40 Signs of Emotional Abuse
  • 4 Steps to Release Anger & Resentment
  • 5 Ways to Recover & Heal 


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