Blog Articles

Change Your Thinking And It Will Change Your Life

Betrayal Is A Form of Emotional Abuse

Betrayal Is A Form of Emotional Abuse

Betrayal, a form of emotional abuse, can cause PTSD. Symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares & impaired sleeping, depression, anxiety, brain fog, distrust, dissociation, are common. Betrayed partners often feel as if their reality has been shaken to its core.—...

You want to win at all costs. 

You want to win at all costs. 

Open letter to the Ex. You want to win at all costs.  Dear Ex But those costs are very high, not just monetary, but the cost of time, energy, and emotional welfare. Stress is a known precursor to illness and that can be minor ailments to major forms of...

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Why do women stay in a marriage or relationship that is toxic or abusive? They love their partner. They make excuses, he’s in pain, he’s frustrated, he’s got a lot of stress, his diabetic illness and low blood sugar cause him to say those hurtful things.  They...

Writing As A Way To Heal

Writing As A Way To Heal

Today is exactly two years from the date that a former partner walked away from the relationship.I wrote my story and self-published my book in June 2022."Post Separation Abuse. Betrayal & Abandonment, What Type Of Man?" Readers will discover 2 Resources for...

Manifesting Money and Wealth Using Law of Attraction

Manifesting Money and Wealth Using Law of Attraction

Manifesting Wealth The way people measure wealth can be different for everyone.  There are many ways that make people feel wealthy in life.  Manifesting money and wealth is something that should be thought about in a good way so that you have a happier and...

Discover the 5 Habits of Highly Successful People

The Power of Mindset for Life Change Introduction - Highly successful people Success is not merely the outcome of luck or circumstance; it is often the result of intentional habits and a mindset geared towards growth and achievement. Highly successful people share...

Emotional Abuse Validation

I asked AI to validate my experience of emotional abuse. Here are the results. Including my take and experiences. Prompt 1: Describe how a woman might feel when she is betrayed by a partner after a long-term relationship is terminated abruptly. When he confesses for...

7 Spiritual Laws of Prosperity for Personal Development

Personal Development Before I started my own property management business I was involved in direct selling or network marketing as it is known.   The company was a well-known brand within the health and weight loss niche. I remember travelling to huge company...

Dealing with sadness and disappointment

How do you deal with sadness and disappointment? Every time I am sad and disappointed, I feel overwhelmed by my emotions. These last few days have been very difficult for me. I've not felt angry but just sad and disappointed. So today, I decided to write about my...

Desire is the starting point for all achievement

Desire is the starting point. Do you remember as a child thinking about all the things you would like to do in your life without a thought to how they would happen but just knew they would somehow?Name One Thing You Desire... .. that more money...

Definite desires and the law of attraction

Law of attraction and your definite desires. The power of a definite desire, a passionate desire, to achieve anything is the first in step in manifestation. You see, desire is a powerful force which activates the Law Of Attraction. When you have desires in life...

Making Important Decisions.

Second Universal Law When it comes to making important decisions through the law of attraction you will need to be extremely careful. You will notice that your ideas and thoughts may become cloudy because of the way that you are approaching the decisions. However, you...


YOU ARE NOT WORTHY OF ME - Poem by Robin Mitchell-Sandeen You are not worthy of my love. You are not worthy of my respect.  I can move on and forgive you, but I never will forget. To heal I must remind myself of who I used to be and of all that you have put me...