Law of Attraction and Channelling Positive Energy To and Through You.
The law of vibration is one of the basic laws of the universe.
The law of attraction states that you will attract into your life–whether wanted or unwanted–whatever you give your energy, focus, and attention to. So you need to make sure that you are doing all that you can to keep your energy levels high and to channel the highest vibrational energy possible so that you can attract what you need and want to lead a better life.
First, make a decision on what it is you really want. Then write out a script of how you want your life to be. You will need to set your intention on achieving a better life. Ask yourself the question, “what can I do today to move closer to the life change plans that I want to achieve”.
Do not get frustrated and think about all the obstacles, hurdles, or hoops that you might encounter. Thinking that way is your self defeating negative self-talk. Do what you can, with what you have, to move towards your dream or goals for a better life. Figure out what you can do to be happier and healthier in life. It makes no difference what you are doing and as long as you focus on the things you can do and not think about the things that don’t help you to be who you want to be. Remember, the law of attraction is within your own subconscious and is the frequency with which your own energy is vibrating, so it is important to focus on what you do want and not dwell on anything that you do not want in your life.
Make your dreams come true
There is nothing wrong with going after your dreams. The one thing that you really need is to have the energy to make things happen for you. Channelling your own energy to make your dreams come true is something that you should be aware of. Learning about the laws of attraction can be something that you can get excited about and believe that whatever you want is going to happen and things will be better for you in the end.
Using the principles of the law of attraction means that you are able to make your thoughts work for you. If you are serious about being, doing and having what you desire and making the changes you want in your life, then you should focus on the vibrational energy you put out into the universe and think about what you will manifest from the laws of attraction. Being able to apply these rules to your life is going to help you be a better person. Only you decide what is going to make you happy in life. What are your goals and expectations? If you are sure of what you want, then you can make these dreams and goals happen for you there are going to be great things ahead.

Feeling good and having a positive attitude
Applying the rules of attraction in life is something that you should continue to develop. Gaining happiness in life is something that you deserve. You need to make things better in life so that you are not wasting your time losing energy. When you are feeling good and having a positive attitude, you will find it much easier to get where you want to be and have all of your dreams come true. There is no better feeling than being successful. With the laws of attraction working for you, there will be endless opportunities waiting in life for you. Say to yourself, I deserve to live a life that I love living. I am grateful for all that I have and all that is coming to me.
When you are thinking about good things and doing what you can to be positive you will see that you are going to have more high vibrational energy for the things that you want the most in life. There is no reason for just sitting back and letting life happen for you. When you are serious about being tuned in to higher energy in life you need to work with the law of attraction and be on the lookout for great opportunities.
It is all a state of mind
Getting ahead in life is something that we all want. There is just no reason not to believe in the power of the law of attraction. It is all a state of mind and how you look at life. When you are doing all that you can to be happy and to gain the energy that is most important to you, it is going to make things easier for you in life. You will be full of life’s energy and ready to take on any challenge that may come your way. This is going to be something that you should be proud of and that will get you through any problem that may come up.
You can tell yourself, I experience profound gratitude for everything that I continue to manifest. I always receive what I am in harmony with and I am grateful for my health and wellbeing, my loving relationships, meaningful work that I am in love with and the time and money freedom to be, do and have what I desire. I joyfully embrace each new day with gratitude.
Channel the positive energy
There is a lot of ways that you can benefit from having a positive outlook on life, but you will find that learning how to channel the positive energy that you need to make your life better will help you to find your happiness. First, there are some things that you will need to know about the law of attraction theory. You will find that the law of attraction is part of the Buddhist theory, the power of the mind in creating our own realities. It is also a good way to approach not only your life goals but anything that you would want to manifest in your life.
Here are three buddha quotes that reflect how our own thinking determines our own realities.
We Create Our Own Health:
“Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.” ~ Buddha
We Create Our Own Enemies
“An outside enemy exists only if there is anger inside.” ~ Buddha
We Create Our Own Bad Luck
“It is wrong to think that misfortunes come from the east or from the west; they originate within one’s own mind. Therefore, it is foolish to guard against misfortunes from the external world and leave the inner mind uncontrolled.” ~ Buddha
The law of attraction basically states that if you can see it and believe it, you can be it. Something that you may have already heard a thousand times, but you can be whatever you want to be. The law of attraction basically states that if you can see yourself doing something or being something then you can achieve it. There are steps to the law of attraction as well. First, you will need to figure out what it is that your heart desires. Then you will need to learn how to channel the right energy and learn how to block all the negative energy.
You will also need to act as you have already achieved your goals because this will give you the motivation that you need to push yourself forward. You will then allow yourself to be open to receive whatever you have asked yourself or the energy for. Keep in mind that when you pick something that you desire you can either ask yourself for it or then try to keep the motivation going or you will be able to ask the Universe or another higher energy to help you achieve the goals. Either way, you need to learn how to motivate yourself to keep reaching for the goals.
Raise your vibration
When it comes to channelling energy you will find that it is most important to raise your vibration and tune into the right frequency in order to manifest using the law of attraction. There are several ways that you can channel the right energy to help with motivation. First, you will find that there are many activities that you can do like exercise, dance or Yoga. You will be able to release your negative energy and replace it with positive energy. You will also be able to do things like specific massages that help release negative energy.
Find other little ways that you can help rid yourself of all the baggage and then help receive positive energy. Working out, doing activities like gardening, or house cleaning or clearing space, is a great way to allow all the negative energy and thoughts to go. There are many techniques and ways on how you can channel the right energy.
You can try using my short affirmation based meditations like this one “The Oath Of Manifestation”
Throughout the whole process, you may want to consider that there are other things than just channelling the right energy, you also need to be able to sustain a positive outlook on life. You will need to focus on your plans and goals and the steps you can take to reach them.
You will also need to consider that there are things that you can do to keep yourself on track. Keeping a journal or map of your success and then you can look back and will find personal motivation through the fact that you have come so far not to just quit. You will need to learn how you can channel the energy and how you can release some of the negative energy that you currently have. However, you will also find that you will need to concentrate on ways that you can sustain the positive energy. Using the law of attraction and learning how to channel the right energy will take you far in life. You will also be able to find true happiness soon since you will be able to find out who it is that you really are through the process as well.
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