How do you deal with sadness and disappointment?
Every time I am sad and disappointed, I feel overwhelmed by my emotions. These last few days have been very difficult for me. I’ve not felt angry but just sad and disappointed.
So today, I decided to write about my feelings and this led me to write this article.
I’m inclined to withdraw into myself and not wish to talk to others, I seem to wallow in my disappointment and sadness.
However, when dealing with sadness and disappointment you could talk about your feelings with a person who you trust, this is a great way to start to release your fears and concerns…
Plus, the person can sometimes offer advice on your next steps or provide reassurance and comfort that everything will be okay, despite how disappointed you may be feeling at the moment.
You can also let yourself express the sadness and disappointment, try writing in a journal,
You could try the Bridget Jones style of Dear Diary, which is how I wrote about situations that troubled me but which I did not voice my dissatisfaction and just accepted and put up with. Even making excuses and brushing things under the carpet so to speak.
Or you could try the Law of Attraction style of writing a letter to the Universe.
Both methods are a great way of getting to the bottom of your negative emotions and replacing them with more positive thoughts and feelings. You can write out anything you want, set aside some time and have your own little pity party.
For example.
Dear Universe,
Please help me to get over this period of sadness and disappointment.
I wish to be an open-hearted person who can be of help to others, and in helping others I can help myself.
I am grateful for ( fill in the blanks, think of 10 things you are grateful for.)
You can write about anything, your dreams and goals, your desires for the good you want in your life now.
Feeling stuck. Ask “What can I do to shift this?”
Try sending love to three people who are bothering you. Write, I send love and forgiveness to …. (fill in the name)
Be Grateful
In your final paragraph thank the universe for delivering your desire, and write it as if it’s already happened.
Let it go
Once you finished writing the letter, sign it, date it, fold the letter and put it in an envelope. Place the envelope in a drawer that’s only used for letters to the universe, or you can use a special box.
Here is my Journaling book on Amazon. Check it out here on my shop page.

Needing Guidance When Dealing with sadness and disappointment
When you have no idea what you should do, ask the Universe for guidance. Sit silent and still for 5 minutes and ask for guidance for the day.
Improving your mindset.
Use positive affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind.
Try repeating affirmations first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
Here are some affirmations you could try starting with one and repeating through the month.
I am grateful …
– For where I am right now,
Listen to my “Morning Gratitude Statements” recorded APRIL 2021 at a time of great emotional turmoil in my life. I was just coming out of the grief and doing the best I could with the resources I had available at the time. This is how I continued my healing journey, I’ve always been creative and resourceful and this is my way of overcoming the emotional turmoil of fear and anxiety that I was experiencing post “abrupt discard” and being threatened with eviction and being told I would have to leave with just my personal possessions by the former partner who had moved out leaving me in the home we were meant to share through retirement. Only he had other ideas, he moved on so quickly he was engaged within 6 weeks and married his new old flame within 6 months.
Affirmations I used to overcome fear.
Here are three affirmations that I used to help me to overcome some of the fears around the circumstances and situation that I found myself in.
“I am more than this. I am more than any circumstance, situation or condition. I am deserving of all the good life has to offer.”
“The power within me is stronger than any fear I have I am grateful that I am fully abundant in all areas of my life.”
And this one, “I deserve to live a life that I love living. I am grateful for all that I have and all that is coming to me.”
Try these for yourself. let me know how you get on you can follow me Twitter Here @lifechangeplans
I found these while listening to Mary Morrissey and her course “8 Spiritual Secrets For Multiplying Your Money” check out my review of the course here.