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Uncovering “Master Your Message”
BTI (Life Coaching Certification)

Why did I want to take the time to listen to this event?

Firstly, because I have paid to attend live events from BTI, I attended The Dream Builder Event in 2020 and 2021, a live virtual event hosted by Mary Morrissey and her team.  

My Experience of Dream Builder Live Stream Event

I personally had the opportunity to attend the Dream Builder Live Stream Event in October 2020. At that particular time, my emotional well-being, self-esteem, and confidence had been battered and bruised. I was reeling from the shock of being discarded abruptly by the person I had loved and cared for in the past eleven years.

Having no clue what I was going to do or how I was going to continue my life, I couldn’t even think straight anymore. I was a mess, a total mess. Studying personal development and mindset for many years before was helpful, but what I had just experienced threw me completely off track. I was in a place of grieving, I was in a place of fear, shame and guilt. Blaming myself for everything that had happened.

Broken Dreams

All the dreams I had were now broken, lying scattered on the floor with me looking around thinking to myself where do I start to try and rebuild. I was experiencing an identity crisis, I had no idea who I was anymore, no idea how I was even going to survive. The professional legal advice, I followed in October 2020 didn’t help me. I tried many times to reach out and negotiate in September 2020, cooperate and instructed mediators in November 2020, and in January 2021, then in July 2021 and again in January 2022, the last time was in the process of the Civil Court Action for precarious eviction nothing helped.

Sow Your Seeds

This blog was created in October 2020, I started learning new skills in April 2021, and I contributed to a chapter to a book. I started writing my own book and self-published that book at the end of May 2022.

My YouTube Channel has videos which reflect the toxic relationship situation I experienced but also the positive mindset affirmations I created, all of this while I was trying to figure out who I was and what I wanted to do. So for the past few months, I have been working on sowing my seeds and creating digital assets. I know that I needed to have patience and I needed to grow my confidence to feel worthy again.

Something I heard from the event resonated.


“You can’t sow your seeds and reap your harvest at the same time. But if you have a huge goal or a big dream, you can start moving toward it.”

Free 5-day Virtual Event

The free 5-day event from the Brave Thinking Institute was just over an hour every day with a recording and actions to take. Deep questions to get you thinking and if you wanted to play large homework to complete and engage with other like-minded individuals in a private Facebook Group. My second reason for joining was to notice how the event was delivered, not to take part but to look at the structure of “Higher Ticket” promotional events and sales. 

Ultimately, the free event promoted the BTI Life Coaching Certification. All attendees were being offered a free “Clarity Call” with one of the BTI coaches. Life coaching is not regulated in the UK or the US, so anyone can work as a life coach if they feel they have the necessary skills and qualities. I felt that “Coaching” is not what I’m about, but the opportunity to dig down into how to “Master MY Message” was an opportunity not to be missed. So I had three good reasons to attend the free event. I have been very grateful for many of these low-ticket or free events in the last four years.

What did I learn?

Day 1. Two things you need to get clear on to be able to find success with coaching, teaching, or sharing your skills and knowledge to a wider audience.

a) What problems do you solve?
b) Who are you going to help?

The first two questions need to be clear. If you are going to share your knowledge and skills as a digital online entrepreneur, motivational speaker, or author of business-level books, you need to be able to answer these questions.

Crafting A Signature Story
Day 2

In marketing and sales, you have probably heard the term “Know, like, and trust.” I know I have. The audience was introduced to the five D’s of creating a signature story that would pique interest and resonate with individuals who have or are experiencing similar problems in their lives.

The 5 D’s to help shape your story were given as:-
Discontent (Despair)
Defining Event
Decision Moment
Discovery (Solution)

Discontent (Despair)
To start your story, you begin with the problem or pain you experienced, your discontent, working long hours, working away from home, or missing your children. Feeling isolated, unsupportive spouse, feeling like you are a lone mum in a marriage.

Defining Event
What was the moment that told you there needs to be a change? What happened? That might be relationship failure, job loss, or bereavement. You might have experienced grief, heartbreak, trauma, depression, anxiety, fear and uncertainty.

Decision Moment
What was your ah-ha moment? What conclusion did you come to and how did it feel?

Discovery (Solution)
Where or how did you discover the solution? It might be a live event. A virtual event. Or maybe a motivational speaker, a Ted Talk, a Podcast. A mentor or coaching program you invested in to help you transform your life.

What results have you created in your life? Or how can you see a different future ahead now.

How to Share Your Story?
Day 3

Sharing your impact story leveraging Social Media. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok and LinkedIn. These are great places to consider sharing your signature story. Sharing your story on public Social platforms can help you get your message out to the world. Your story provides authenticity, and it helps people to gain trust.

I learned how to repurpose content from Rob Moore, a multi-millionaire property owner, trainer, and author. This means that your video content can become articles and vice versa. Long-form videos can be edited into 10 Instagram or Facebook Reels. The same short reels can be used on YouTube and TikTok. Great quotes can be transformed into meme posts for Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook using software like Canva.

The tips given on day 3 were a huge help.
Start with a question.
Then an introduction or welcome, for example

“Hi, my name is _________________ , and today I’m going to talk about….”
Next, explain why this is important to your audience.
Then tell your story.
Most important, don’t forget to include a call to action at the end.

Day 4, A technique called the “Time Machine”

This is where you can assist people in thinking ahead to formulate what their ideal life will look like in one year, three years, or five years. This is a visualisation and journaling exercise that helps people think about what they truly desire and set some goals they can aim to achieve in their chosen time frame. It can be repeated until you gain clarity on what you want your life to be like and what you will achieve.

If you like the idea of a “Time Machine” you might like to read this article on Vision or Dream Boards

Overcoming Fears and The Leap Of Faith
Day 5

The final day covered the biggest hurdle to achieving your true desires, something that holds many people back from doing what they really want. These are our limiting beliefs, our fears, our reasons why we can not achieve a desired outcome.
There are many.

Here are a few you might have in your thoughts and subconscious.

I’m too old. I’ve invested in training and courses before, and they never worked. I don’t have the time, money, knowledge, or skills. What if I fail and don’t get any results?

An exercise I have done in the past is to take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the centre. On the left side, write all the limiting beliefs holding you back. On the right side, rewrite those beliefs with more positive statements that will empower you to take action. When you are done, you can release all of your limiting beliefs by splitting the paper in half, taking all the negative statements and tearing it into pieces while telling yourself that was then, this is now. Keep the empowering statements as a reminder of your new mindset re-read them going forward as a reminder of your newfound passion to achieve success. 

Often in times of change, we can hit a loop that keeps us stuck. You might have heard the term taking a leap of faith. It means you must focus on the desired outcome and believe in yourself. Anyone who has quit a good-paying job to start a business or do something new will know what it is like to take that leap of faith.

Have you ever taken a leap of faith?
Let me know what it was, and share your story in the comments below.