Personal Development
Before I started my own property management business I was involved in direct selling or network marketing as it is known. The company was a well-known brand within the health and weight loss niche. I remember travelling to huge company conferences and training events. The education you receive in these companies can be life-changing. The stories from the top earners in the business were a fantastic motivational boost. How they struggled from the start and how they went from ordinary income earners to becoming six and seven-figure earners with the company. As part of the training, the company had motivational speakers at the live events, like Jim Rohn. I remember listening to his speeches and training on audio cassettes.
Invest in Yourself

Another motivational speaker & author I liked to listen to at that time was Randy Gage. I purchased Prosperity, How to Apply Spiritual Laws to create Health Wealth and Abundance in your life. I loved listening to the Randy Gage audio tapes, it was my first online purchase of motivational & inspirational material. It was a boxed cassette pack and it shipped all the way from the US to my home in Sunderland. Plus I paid extra shipping taxes on the doorstep when it arrived. I still have the audio cassettes in the original box although I don’t listen to these now.
If you’ve never heard Randy Gage and The 7 Spiritual Laws of Prosperity you can find a playlist of videos below.
Hope you enjoy watching these as much as I enjoyed listening to them, all those years ago.
1) The Imaging Law of Prosperity
2) The Vacuum Law of Prosperity
3) The Law of Tithing
4) The Circulation Law of Prosperity
5) The Creativity Law of Prosperity
6) The Law of Giving and Receiving
7) The Law of Forgiveness
I’m so glad that we have wifi and multimedia digital products that have replaced many physical products now. The new digital age and industries are so innovative it’s bringing opportunities to all of us.
Online education, Personal development, and opportunities to attend live events online have become a reality since the start of the 2020 pandemic. An online course that I found valuable was the 8 Spiritual Secrets For Multiplying Your Money, by Mary Morrissey. I found this online course at the end of 2020.