Book Post-Separation Abuse

By Loren Keeling

What Type Of Man?

Creative Non-Fiction Memoir

Don’t let your story remain untold.
Join the movement to raise awareness about post-separation abuse and demand justice for survivors.

Key themes explored:

  • The various forms of post-separation abuse, including emotional manipulation, financial control, stalking, and harassment
  • The devastating impact of post-separation abuse on victims’ mental health, emotional well-being, and financial stability
  • The legal loopholes that leave many survivors vulnerable and unprotected.
  • Strategies for healing and rebuilding after experiencing abuse.

Meet The Author

Loren Keeling

Loren Keeling is a passionate advocate for survivors of post-separation abuse. Her personal experience with this type of abuse inspired her to write Post-Separation Abuse: Betrayal and Abandonment, What Type Of Man? and its sequel, Deception as Illusions. Embroidered with Truth. Keeling’s books offer hope, support, and guidance to those who have experienced similar trauma.
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No Cost, Zero Commitment Support Community For Women aged 40+
Are you feeling stuck after a breakup or divorce?
Maybe you’re wondering how to pick up the pieces and
build a life you truly love? You’re not alone.

Profile Image. Published Book
English Cycle Of Abuse

Coming Soon!

Available DEC 2024

Deception and Illusions. Embroidered with Truth.

Creative Non-Fiction 

Continue the journey with Keeling as she explores the aftermath of abuse, navigating false allegations, Civil and Criminal court appearances, discrimination, and the relentless pursuit of control. 

Deceptions and Illusions

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The Trauma of Being Falsely Accused

The Trauma of Being Falsely Accused

 My Journey Through False Allegations and Post-Separation Abuse Being falsely accused can shatter a person’s sense of self, creating waves of emotional, mental, and even physical trauma that linger for years. I know this all too well. As an author who dared to share...

Systemic Failures in the Justice System in Spain.

Systemic Failures in the Justice System in Spain.

So today, my thoughts were:- Failures in the Justice System. Legal intimidation and litigation abuses post-separation. The unlevel playing field and power imbalances. Are these power imbalances an indication of something more sinister going on? A high-conflict...


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